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The Haven Naming Project


Renaming and rebranding a Country Club

The Mt. Pleasant Country Club in central Massachusetts came to RainCastle to rebrand and rename the facility based on the goals of new management. In order to craft the new name, we first engaged in a branding exercise consisting of a positioning statement, elevator statement and assessment of core values.

The following positioning was the conceptual template we created, from which we began the renaming of the club.

“The Haven Country Club is the most family-friendly, private club in central Massachusetts. It is dedicated to providing its members, their families and guests with a universally playable, carefully restored and maintained golf course and superior golf-oriented programs, services and social events. The Haven is privately-owned, and management is always visible and accessible, taking a genuine interest in each and every member’s experience. Through regular communications and club improvements, members feel pride and loyalty.”

What sprung from this statement, and our many interviews with members, was the idea that this club was a home away from home, a refuge from the stresses of everyday life. After presenting a broad variety of options, Mt. Pleasant management settled on “The Haven,” for its new name, as it expressed the essence of the member experience. The logo we created featuring the elegant pine cone graphic, provides a rich sense of the physical landscape.