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Spear Bio

Putting an innovative
technology in motion

Client: Spear Bio

Category: Novel diagnostics

Customers: Biotech and pharma researchers

Locations: Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Spear Bio, a Harvard biotech spinoff, wanted to make a splash as it launched its breakthrough immunoassay platform that provides ultra-sensitive biomarker detection. RainCastle delivered a website that both explains and dramatizes the company’s novel technology and its benefits for researchers developing next-generation therapies.

  • Brand Visual Identity
  • Custom Animation
  • Website Content
  • Website Design & Development
  • Marketing Collateral

Interactive Animation

Our design and development team created a custom home page animation that highlighted key benefits of Spear Bio’s technology. Combining animation and parallax functionality, the interactive design transforms as the user scrolls down the page. The solution is both informative and engaging.

Our Solution

Visual Identity

Our design team created a look and feel that conveys both scientific sophistication and accessibility, using protein images as a unifying graphic element.


Website Content

We created concise copy to explain the company’s innovative platform technology and its clinical applications—starting with its breakthrough test for traumatic brain injury (TBI).



We created custom graphics to complement the copy, including an interactive graphic with mouse-overs revealing descriptive text.


Design & Development

We designed all pages across the site to reflect a consistent look and feel, then transformed the designs into a responsive website in time for the planned launch.


Landing Page Templates

To support the client’s content marketing campaigns, we designed a series of landing page templates to accommodate a range of content offers.


Marketing Collateral

Leveraging the design language we developed for the website, we created a template for application notes that the client can use to publish their materials.



The new website elevates the company’s brand visual identity and messaging, positioning Spear Bio to pursue new market opportunities in a competitive biotech marketplace.