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Introducing a breakthrough
diagnostic platform

Client: NanoDX

Category: Point-of-care diagnostics

Customers: Health systems, investors

Locations: Massachusetts, New Mexico, U.S.A.

The NanoDx™ System is a first-of-its-kind, point-of-care diagnostic device combining nanotechnology and biotechnology. To generate interest among clinicians and investors, the company needed a website that highlighted its platform’s potential to address unmet testing needs.

  • Website Content
  • Website Design & Development
  • Corporate Presentation

Investor focus

To support the company’s outreach to investors, we created an investor page that highlights the technology’s strong IP protection, the platform’s accelerated path to FDA clearance, and the robust roadmap for future applications.

Our Solution

Visual Identity

Our design team created a fresh visual brand, using a combination of photos, colorful icons, and graphics to create a crisp, contemporary look and feel.


Website Content

We created concise copy to explain the company’s innovative platform technology and its clinical applications—starting with its breakthrough test for traumatic brain injury(TBI)


Corporate Presentation

Our design team created a presentation template that aligned with the website design, givingNanoDx a professional appearance for investor meetings.


Design & Development

We designed all pages across the site to reflect a consistent visual experience. Our development team then coded the site in WordPress.



NanoDx now has a website that clearly conveys both the novelty of its technology and the significant market opportunities its platform presents across a range of disease states.

Following launch, the client reported a significant increase in website traffic and strong support from senior management.