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SEO is a Process, Not a Project

I was looking over the analytics for our blog, Driving Rain, the other day and noticed that several posts had garnered particularly high traffic. For example, in conjunction with the website design work we’ve done for Clayton Christensen and Innosight, I had written a blogpost about how we applied Professor Christensen’s “Jobs-to-be-done” methodology in creating his website, which has been among our most popular, at least by the standard of “number of visits.” Another popular post we wrote was in conjunction with our website for Jim Stengel, former CMO of Procter & Gamble, which also drew a large number of visits.

Neither Clayton Christensen nor JimStengel were in the original list of keywords for our website, but upon viewing our analytics we learned how popular they were as keywords, hence the increased traffic they brought our way. Our end result has been an increased number of leads from other companies, including consulting companies, interested in the kinds of services we provided Messrs. Christensen and Stengel.

SEO By continuously looking at your website and blog analytics, you will see what subjects are trending and this can be among the things that guide your editorial calendars for both. The nature of SEO and blogs, and the reality of modern websites, is that they are never complete. It’s tempting when creating a website and going through the whole keywords exercise, to think about it as a one time process to check off your list. But with the proliferation of marketing channels available, thus the increasing speed of the news cycle, the challenge businesses face in communicating is not only to stay visible, but to stay relevant. The three sure ways to accomplish this are:

  • continuously review your website and blog analytics;
  • create an editorial calendar of trending topics so you don’t have to invent them every week;
  • think about all things digital as a continuous process, not a one-time project.{{cta(‘6355512c-78c4-4d96-8955-845f68460e30’)}}