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Illuminating Marketing Statistics from the NEDMA Marketing Technology Summit

Last week, we attended the New England Direct Marketing Association’s Marketing Technology Summit, and were treated to presenters from Google, Overdrive Interactive, HubSpot, Eloqua, and more. The conference centered on ways to utilize marketing technology to promote your brand, engage visitors, and create strong online relationships with future and current consumers.

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Google Announces Long-Term Search Overhaul to Incorporate Semantic Search

google semantic search brainGoogle announced yesterday that in the coming years the company will overhaul its search algorithm and results to incorporate “semantic search,” according to an article from the Wall Street Journal.

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Why Facebook Timeline is a Game Changer for Small B2B Companies

Facebook is an increasingly important tool for both company marketing and customer engagement. The now ubiquitous social media platform is an integral part of much of the population’s day-to-day life, and marketers have been able to infuse their brands almost seamlessly into this everyday habit.

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Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr: 3 Visual Social Platforms Poised for Branded Growth in 2012

While content is king in many inbound marketing circles, certain social sharing platforms are rising to the top to be the “next big thing” by catering to a long-held design standard: people respond to visual brand representations.

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Creating a Google+ Brand Page: Experiments and Tips

On Monday, Google+ rolled out its brand pages for businesses, and while the social network has lost most of its steam since the initial hype, marketers are still rushing to create branded profiles.

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Top 5 Things We Learned at HUGS 2011

This past Friday RainCastle attended the HubSpot User Group Summit to advance our HubSpot skills and learn more about what the future of Inbound marketing holds.

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Google’s New +1 Button: SEO Friend or Frenemy?

These days, the race for the #1 spot on Google is tougher than the Tour de France. I’ve blogged in the past about the dangers of approaching SEO with the expectation of being #1, but that doesn’t mean companies aren’t any less hungry for a decent ranking.

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Google+ vs. Facebook: The New War of the Websites and What it Means for Your Business

Google+ versus Facebook Google+ is Google’s newest attempt at a social media platform, and is, at the moment, the most cohesive social media experience available (although only for a select number of pre-determined invitees – the rest of us will have to wait).

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Surprising Twitter Usage Statistics

Today’s Boston Globe published some interesting Twitter statistics that were compiled from the Pew Research Center. Here are some of the highlights:

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What the Demise of the Printed Phonebook Means to Your Business

Many technical innovations come out of San Francisco, but today may mark a different type of technological milestone. San Francisco’s mayor, Ed Lee, today signed a law banning the unsolicited distribution of Yellow Pages in the city of San Francisco. While this seems to be the first actual law in the U.S. regarding unwanted phonebook distribution, there have been many grassroots movements in communities around the country requesting that local governments limit the number of phone books that are produced and distributed, including one in nearby Brookline, MA.

In short, we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the printed phone book. At the very least phone books are moving from the realm of the simply unnecessary to being perceived as actually wasteful and damaging. The demise of phone books may not be big news to anyone, but it’s an interesting time to think about your business and how well you have been adapting to the times:

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