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Social Media Strategy. As Seen On Lois Paul and Parnters.



I thought you might be interested to read my Guest Blogpost for “Beyond the Hype,” the blog for our partner, Lois Paul and Partners. The piece was for their Digital Leaders Series and focuses on the marriage between brands and social media stategy.

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The Secret World of Social Media Strategy

social_icons Entering the social media world without a clearly defined strategy is full of perils. Clients who come to us for branding or a website or marketing programs sometimes want to throw in a little social media, lest they be left behind or miss out on an important channel.

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Annual State of the (B2B) Website””

I’ve never written an annual “State of the Website” blog and endeavor for it to be more relevant than the State of the Union speeches have become. As the leader of a company that has been designing websites for 20 years, a recent blogpost by Michael Brenner, titled “Is the corporate Website Dead?” certainly caught my eye.

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Four Signs Your Marketing Strategy is Outdated

It’s 2013 – do you know where your marketing is? The thought should scare you, a bit. Or at least scare you into action. Chances are, your prospects are online, and if they’re not, they will be soon. In the meantime, there are still people online talking about your brand, services, successes, and shortcomings. Why risk your reputation by ignoring this community or by alienating them with outdated marketing techniques?

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Top 5 B2B Marketing Wins of the Year

The end of each year always serves as a time to reflect, and this year, I was pleased to see the growing B2B investment in content marketing and other online pull marketing techniques. It came to mind that there were a fair number of non-traditional case study examples highlighting this push, and that looking to these examples may encourage even more creative B2B planning in 2013.

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How to Best Market Your Tech Product (or Service)

Leading technology companies today face one undeniable marketing fact that many other industries can conveniently ignore for the time being: in order to highlight your technology as the best in the field, you must have a substantial online marketing presence.

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3 Steps to Building Brand Loyalty Using Social Media

There’s still concern in the B2B community about just how important social media is in creating and sustaining relationships with partners and clients. But when it comes to building brand loyalty online, social media is the most beneficial tool available.

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GM Dropped Its Facebook Ads, Should You?

The Wall Street Journal broke the news on Wednesday that automobile giant General Motors has decided to discontinue its Facebook advertising efforts, which previously accounted for $10 million of its $1.8 billion ad spending.

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Are Companies Liable for Employees’ Social Media Accounts?

Social media icons On Wednesday, I was fortunate enough to put on a webinar with our partner, Launch In US Alliance; a company that helps international technology companies looking to expand into the U.S. market. The webinar, What You Need to Know About Social Media When Expanding Into the U.S., allowed me to connect with B2B professionals here and overseas who share my enthusiasm for social media.

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What Today’s Marketing Numbers Mean for Your B2B Business – Part 2: Social Media

Social media: Levi’s had 40% growth in Facebook likes by adding individual like buttons to their products on their website

Social media can be daunting for B2B companies: how do we use it? Who monitors it? and what’s the purpose? are common questions in getting started. But social media has proven itself time and time again as an awareness builder, a platform for client interaction, and an ROI-driven.

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