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What Today’s Marketing Numbers Mean for Your B2B Business – Part 2: Social Media

Social media: Levi’s had 40% growth in Facebook likes by adding individual like buttons to their products on their website

Social media can be daunting for B2B companies: how do we use it? Who monitors it? and what’s the purpose? are common questions in getting started. But social media has proven itself time and time again as an awareness builder, a platform for client interaction, and an ROI-driven.

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Illuminating Marketing Statistics from the NEDMA Marketing Technology Summit

Last week, we attended the New England Direct Marketing Association’s Marketing Technology Summit, and were treated to presenters from Google, Overdrive Interactive, HubSpot, Eloqua, and more. The conference centered on ways to utilize marketing technology to promote your brand, engage visitors, and create strong online relationships with future and current consumers.

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The Altruisim of Inbound Marketing

Altruism of inbound marketing Why does inbound marketing seem to have such an altruistic tone? Today’s marketers seek to be “partners.” They are in the business of providing valuable content that will inspire trust. Content is often something they give away – for free! The new analytic tools empower you.

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The Top 5 Holiday Marketing Campaigns of 2011

Every year, companies compete for the onslaught of holiday shopping dollars by putting their best creative foot forward, creating targeted marketing campaigns that evoke the best and worst of the holiday season.

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RainCastle New Home page a Window into Integrated Strategy

RainCastle home page November and December have been extraordinarily busy and exciting at RainCastle with the simultaneous launch of three exciting new websites: for global innovation strategy and consulting firm Innosight, public and private sector professional services firm, Tapestry Networks, and the Jewish Community Center of Greater Boston (JCCGB)

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Happy Thanksgiving from RainCastle and the HubSpot Unicorn

The holidays are a great time to re-connect with customers and reinforce professional and personal relationships for your brand. One of the best ways to do this is by sending a holiday card or holiday-themed newsletter that celebrates the time of year, offers content or exclusive promotions, or just offers a laugh.

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Creating a Google+ Brand Page: Experiments and Tips

On Monday, Google+ rolled out its brand pages for businesses, and while the social network has lost most of its steam since the initial hype, marketers are still rushing to create branded profiles.

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Turn down the noise. Pump up the volume: Where is the content in content marketing?

Perched in the hills overlooking Pasadena is a great setting to study design. When I went to Art Center in the early 80s, I was surrounded by all sorts of interesting and highly accomplished influences, not just in graphic design but in product design, automobile design, photography, illustration, and advertising. Some of my instructors were industry leaders who provided many visual references of what was considered great design. I soaked it up, like the California sun I happily found myself under on those shivery, 65 degree January days in LA.

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Top 5 Things We Learned at HUGS 2011

This past Friday RainCastle attended the HubSpot User Group Summit to advance our HubSpot skills and learn more about what the future of Inbound marketing holds.

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Why 1/3 of Marketers Are Unhappy With Their Web Site Design

Unhappy Marketers diagram A website redesign is a serious undertaking for any business, and as I discussed in a previous post on the web as an catalyst for better marketing practices, in many instances it forces the client to re-evaluate their brand strategy and marketing.

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