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5 Examples of Effective Calls-to-Action

Calls-to-action are the pick-up lines of Internet marketing; if you don’t have a good opener your efforts are lost almost immediately.

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Providing Incentive Prizes for Positive Online Reviews: Resourceful or Cheating?

Internet marketing is seeing nothing but growth. But in the past year, we’ve seen specifically a greater influence placed on customer reviews through review sites such as Yelp, forum sites like Quora, and social media reviews and recommendations.

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The Altruisim of Inbound Marketing

Altruism of inbound marketingWhy does inbound marketing seem to have such an altruistic tone? Today’s marketers seek to be “partners.” They are in the business of providing valuable content that will inspire trust. Content is often something they give away – for free! The new analytic tools empower you.

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Top 5 Things We Learned at HUGS 2011

This past Friday RainCastle attended the HubSpot User Group Summit to advance our HubSpot skills and learn more about what the future of Inbound marketing holds.

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Surprising Twitter Usage Statistics

Today’s Boston Globe published some interesting Twitter statistics that were compiled from the Pew Research Center. Here are some of the highlights:

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What the Demise of the Printed Phonebook Means to Your Business

Many technical innovations come out of San Francisco, but today may mark a different type of technological milestone. San Francisco’s mayor, Ed Lee, today signed a law banning the unsolicited distribution of Yellow Pages in the city of San Francisco. While this seems to be the first actual law in the U.S. regarding unwanted phonebook distribution, there have been many grassroots movements in communities around the country requesting that local governments limit the number of phone books that are produced and distributed, including one in nearby Brookline, MA.

In short, we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the printed phone book. At the very least phone books are moving from the realm of the simply unnecessary to being perceived as actually wasteful and damaging. The demise of phone books may not be big news to anyone, but it’s an interesting time to think about your business and how well you have been adapting to the times:

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Your Website is the Doorway to Better Marketing

Recently, we had a meeting with an organization seeking a new website.The prospect related with some angst, the multiple conflicting goals of the organization and the difficulty they’re having assuming a leadership position in their market.

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