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How to Use Video as a Marketing Tool

The Benefits of Video Marketing for B2B Companies

video_iconAre you struggling with your company’s content strategy and social media strategy? Video is an effective way to elevate your social media plan and hook your viewers. Several of our clients are asking us to integrate video into their websites and social media and here’s why we recommend doing it.

A short video (up to two minutes) is an opportunity to tell your company’s story. We recently updated our website and by embedding a video on the “About RainCastle” page, we were able to tell our story in a new way. Within seconds, prospective clients and employees gain insight into our culture and team, even some of our technologists who often work behind the scene.

Video shows how your product or service works. In less than a minute, by showing a demo, a video can explain how a new technology or product works. Our client, AirStrip Technologies, creates medical software that allows healthcare providers to monitor patient data on their mobile devices. They use video to demo and promote the exciting new technology they’ve developed – technology that enables clinicians to interact with and respond rapidly to clinically relevant patient health information.

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Top 5 B2B Marketing Wins of the Year

The end of each year always serves as a time to reflect, and this year, I was pleased to see the growing B2B investment in content marketing and other online pull marketing techniques. It came to mind that there were a fair number of non-traditional case study examples highlighting this push, and that looking to these examples may encourage even more creative B2B planning in 2013.

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What Today’s Marketing Numbers Mean for Your B2B Business – Part 1: Email Marketing

Last week’s post featuring illuminating statistics from the NEDMA Marketing Technology Summit brought on a slew of questions: how do you turn today’s marketing numbers into actionable campaigns?

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Illuminating Marketing Statistics from the NEDMA Marketing Technology Summit

Last week, we attended the New England Direct Marketing Association’s Marketing Technology Summit, and were treated to presenters from Google, Overdrive Interactive, HubSpot, Eloqua, and more. The conference centered on ways to utilize marketing technology to promote your brand, engage visitors, and create strong online relationships with future and current consumers.

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Building Client Trust in Internet Marketing

Our clients and partners are a bright bunch; highly educated and accomplished in their fields. So it has surprised me lately in a few conversations about internet marketing, social media, content marketing, etc., that they can be uncertain or uneducated about it. It’s interesting to see that in the world with everything at our fingertips, we can still live in our own bubbles.

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Happy Thanksgiving from RainCastle and the HubSpot Unicorn

The holidays are a great time to re-connect with customers and reinforce professional and personal relationships for your brand. One of the best ways to do this is by sending a holiday card or holiday-themed newsletter that celebrates the time of year, offers content or exclusive promotions, or just offers a laugh.

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Is Your Website a Marketing Machine or a Marketing Brochure?

One of the biggest changes in the past five years has been the shift from websites being virtual brochures to being much, much more. In the early days of the internet, say 5 to 10 years ago, a company’s website was typically a place to list information and show some attractive images. Today, smart companies have completely integrated their sites with their broader sales and marketing initiatives. Here are some ways that you can ensure that your site is a fully-functioning marketing machine rather than a static brochure:

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The 7 Characteristics of a Differentiated Website

Apples and oranges I separate the experience of creating “a website that differentiates” from creating a website. In 2009, anyone can create a website. Surprisingly few can create a differentiated website. What are the characteristics that make a website differentiated?

Brand strategy – brand strategy or positioning are fancy terms for professional differentiation. Listen to your customers, incorporate that intelligence into your own language and practice, share the kool-aid with your organization and feel great about being able to explain what you do with confidence while riding the elevator and talking to an impatient prospect. The website will come so much easier and faster when the brand is right.

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Using Video to Put a New Spin on an Old Story

Web video screen shot I’m struck by a wistfulness in some of my clients when we work together. They tell me that the work on which we collaborate — creating their brand and web experiences is the most fun they have in their job. I’m happy to represent that for them and feel that as hard as we all work, it’s important to find some joy and perhaps tap into that passion that originally led us down the path to where we are today.

My job seems to many to be fun. My company makes things. There is creativity in what we produce and subjectivity in how it is received by clients. But, while this is true, even in our field, there is repetitiveness and some of the mundane. Back in June, I began thinking about a fresh way to convey how RainCastle thinks, on our new website, which has now launched. Watching HBO’s “In Treatment” one night, I had an inspiration. For those of you unfamiliar with “In Treatment,” Gabriel Byrne, a terrific actor, plays the part of a psychiatrist and each night of the week he sees a different patient. These dramatic and expertly crafted sessions make up the show. You get to follow psychiatrist, Dr. Paul Weston (Byrne’s character), as he guides each patient through issues and crises, in most cases toward greater self-awareness. I’ve often felt there are parallels with how we consult with our clients, and the approach of a shrink. We’re both diagnosing a problem by analyzing a symptom and sometimes delving into its root cause. In our case the patient may have an underperforming website, marketing campaign or brand.

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