Why Your Brand Messaging Might Not be Working on Your Web Site
Having been in the web design and development game for over 15 years, I’ve seen clients and prospects fall into a set of familiar traps when it comes to the process of creating a web site. Here are five tips for avoiding the pitfalls lurking in any web development project.
The Secret Sauce
I’ve often heard it said that there are no new creative ideas, that everything’s been done. I’ve always hated that statement for its lazy and uninspired sentiment. In his book, “Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell says, “researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: ten thousand hours.” I’m happy to realize that I’ve done my 10,000 hours as a creative professional and the longer I’m in this business, the deeper my creative options become. My expanding database of memories, associations and relationships open the possibilities of finding unique creative solutions to our client’s communication problems.
In our many Web engagements clients often question whether they need an outside writer on the project. The reason for rumination is usually either related to budget or whether internal resources have the time to get the job done. From experience I believe that hiring an outside writer is necessary and often mandatory. Here are five reasons to consider:
The CEO of a client for whom we recently created a brand was what I would call a “mildly supportive observer” throughout a comprehensive branding process we led his company through. When he heard the tagline, it all clicked for him and he became an effective brand evangelist to his customers and employees. It takes Tiger Woods thousands of putts to sink that 10 footer when it matters. The right tagline follows that same logic.
This is my first post and I’m pretty excited. The blog will be a place to discuss how differentiation — in creative, client service, marketing relationships, brand messaging, user experience — can be applied to what you do for your customers. I’m also looking for serendipitous dialogues, the unexpected and often meaningful interactions that can happen when one puts themselves “out there.” In the long run, we know that this blog will be much better if you share your thoughts with us. So please feel free to let us know what you think, either by commenting, or if you would rather email us, we’d love that as well. Social media gives us the ability to all share and collaborate on ideas, and the discussions we have here will be much more valuable for everyone if you share your thoughts and opinions with us!