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Improving User Experience through Digital Storytelling

In a previous post, Three Cases of Websites Using Modern design Techniques, I touched upon some of the exciting new design techniques — that have become available on the web—which are beginning to change the face of the modern website. Digging down a level, these design techniques exist to serve your company’s need to tell your brand story. The speed at which business is being done and the amount of noise you must cut through have elevated the need for distinctive, on-brand digital storytelling.

describe the image HTML5 and Flash are two important tools for digital storytelling. Both afford unique opportunities to bend the digital medium to your will and create compelling engaging experiences for your customers. Flash has gotten a bad rap as it is not supported by Apple moblie devices, but Flash can be saved in a video format that will render on Apple as well as PC and mobile devices. Flash is still a teriffic tool for presenting a corporate or product story with power, and sophistication. It is excellent for event presentations, where you need to Wow your audience, as well as for websites. Our recent brand launch for our client AirStrip, a mobile healthcare technology firm, is one such example.

Another compelling example of visual storytelling can be found on the GE site, “Our Water Counts.”  In this site, GE has done away with the familiar page paradigm, choosing instead to create a vertical scrolling illustration utilizing HTML5 and Javascript, that takes the visitor through a branded theme. The illustration contains numerous, brightly colored links, which when clicked produce an overlaying window with relevant content to tell a particular facet of the story.

describe the image As Digital Storytellers, we need to be able to express both high-level brand concepts and more detailed messages that allow for audience interaction for the optimal user experience. No single digital tool or technique can do it all, which is why mastering a broad array of digital tools and techniques is making design such a powerful force for strategic marketing these days!

What interesting and effective examples of digital storytelling have you seen lately?