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What Bad Restaurant Websites Can Teach Us

anti_flash_(4) I read this very entertaining and scathing article in the Globe today  about the current state of restaurant websites. It is worth a read.

But it’s not really about restaurant websites. It’s about businesses who are about ten years behind the times in understanding that their web sites exist to serve their customers, not themselves. In the anecdotes cited in the article, gratuitous use of Flash animation is the evil being perpetrated.

I agree that Flash can suck. But  to enhance navigation, tell a story or creatively express marketing concepts in dynamic ways. The site we did for Mark Richey Woodworking is I think an extremely effective and restrained use of flash that enhances the user experience. Take a look.

Flash is getting a bad rap these days, between Steve Job’s antipathy and examples like this, but in skilled hands, it remains an excellent tool.
