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Why Your Brand Messaging Might Not be Working on Your Web Site

Brand messaging diagram I’m finding it common that companies focus on getting their messaging right while being murky on their positioning.When I point this out, sometimes I get a blank stare or a comment that suggests to me that they view positioning and messaging as the same thing. Not understanding the difference can have big sales and marketing implications, but for now, let’s discuss how this impacts your web site.

Understanding the relationship between positioning and messaging can mean the difference between a web site that’s expertly targeted to its users and generates leads, and one that performs poorly.

At its most basic, positioning is the parent and messaging is the child. It’s easiest to extrapolate by means of establishing a brand vocabulary. The three pillars of a brand include:

Brand Vision – Who we are or wish to be
Brand Positioning – How we differ from our competitors
Brand Mission – What we do or deliver

When you have a firm grasp on these brand pillars and particularly positioning, you can then craft a variety of messaging statements that support your differentiated positioning, and which apply to their specific audiences, product offerings or solutions.

When creating a website, if you start with a clear positioning statement then messaging usually flows smoothly and quickly from that, followed by copywriting. Trying to develop messaging without the brand pillars in place, makes it next to impossible to differentiate your company, product or service in any reliable way. Are you confusing positioning with messaging? Have you seen other companies who do this? I’d be interested in hearing from you.