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Image Stream Medical Web Design Project


Brand Strategy and Messaging / Website / SEO / Copywriting

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Website Home page

Website Home page

Website Home page "Before and After"

Website Home page

"Interactive" Operating Room with Rollover

Interactive Hospital Illustration

Interactive Hospital Illustration

Easy–to-use "tiles" for navigation


Process icons

Process icons

Highly visual page layouts

Highly visual page layouts

Read the Story

A former client of RainCastle’s landed at Image Stream Medical (ISM) and recalling her past experience with RainCastle, brought our team in to meet with top management.

Based on that discussion, ISM hired RainCastle not only to create a new website, but to clarify and articulate the brand positioning and messaging, which would drive content creation for the responsive website and other materials and influence SEO. As a manufacturer of precise visualization tools used in hospital OR suites and across the enterprise, ISM was battling a limited perception among prospects of the full reach and potential of their suite of visualization solutions.

Beginning with a new competitive positioning statement and corresponding set of messages for physicians, nurses, technicians and a host of other audiences, we built a compelling, highly visual and interactive website user experience, which presents ISM’s valuable content from the perspective of their customers and prospects, rather than tooting their own horn.

Where it added most value, we created interactive photographs and illustrations that present valuable information via simple rollovers. Examples include the Easy Suite interactive OR, The Enterprise Hospital illustration, which visualizes the broad array of ISM solutions across the hospital enterprise and an Interactive corporate timeline of notable “firsts” for the company.

Client Reviews

For the fifth year in a row, RainCastle is recognized as a leading B2B marketing partner by Clutch:

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